StarGate Iris Open/Close Off World Script  


Waugh Lord
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21/06/2017 5:27 am  

 File:             this  addaction ["IRIS STATUS ", "GDO.sqf"];
     Author Original : Icecoolwrx
    Author Modified :  WAUGH_LORD 
    Date :            14/05/2017
   Info  :           This script has been taken from the StarGate mod made for arma 3  all rights reserved by the Original Author (Icecoolwrx ) and the team who spent counless hours making this mod.
   Description:      This script opens and close the StarGate Command Iris
                     The iris is a metal covering on the Earth Stargate which is used to screen incoming traffic.
                  It prevents anything larger than an atom from being reconstructed, thereby destroying it.
                  It dilates and contracts to cover or expose the central part of the Stargate where the wormhole connects.
                   Friendly travelers are identified by a GDO code while unfriendly or hostile aliens are identified, usually by an unrecognizable signal.
        " We have in place an impenetrable shield called an Iris."

   ―George S. Hammond
 How To Use : 1  Place a SGC Gate computer (DHD) down with  a stargate
              2  name the StarGate Earth or change the Earth name in the script to what you would like
              3  this addaction ["IRIS STATUS ", "GDO.sqf"]; in the init of a unit


_gate = _this select 0;
_iris_status=_this select 1;

 _gate = SGC ;

_sgc_computer = nearestobject [_gate,"sga_sgc_gate_computer"];

_iris_status= _gate getvariable "iris_status";

[_sgc_computer, [0,""]] remoteExecCall ["setobjecttexture", 0];

_gate setvariable ["iris_status",false,true];
hint "IRIS IS OPEN" ;
_gate say "sgasgopen";
 _what = format ["anim_iris%1",_num];
 _what2 = format ["anim_geoiris%1",_num];
 if(_num <=10)then{_gate animate [_what2,0];};
 _gate animate [_what,0];
[_sgc_computer, [0,"\sga_dhd\cp\LCD_iris.paa"]] remoteExecCall ["setobjecttexture", 0];
_gate setvariable ["iris_Status",true,true];
_gate say "sgasgopen";
 _what = format ["anim_iris%1",_num];
 _what2 = format ["anim_geoiris%1",_num];
 if(_num <=10)then{ _gate animate [_what2,1]; };
 _gate animate [_what,1];


Edited: 7 years  ago


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